
🗣️ Name Recorder

My school has people of many different nationalities, bringing an amazing diversity to the community. However, people can struggle to pronounce names they're less familiar with. This is both embarrassing for them, and annoying for the other person, who may have had their name mispronounced by many other people that day.

One of the first things our new Head of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion did was to explore 'name pronunciation' software. There are many companies selling this online (just search for 'Name pronunciation software'), however it was all incredibly expensive!

Our IT department managed to build a solution involving SharePoint and MS Forms, but it wasn't particularly easy for people to record their names - at one point, a set of instructions emerged for exporting a recording from Audacity. Not particularly easy for people to do in a couple of minutes!

To make it easier for people to record their names, I built a web app which would take them through the process, step by step.
With instructons available, this would help 99% of people to record their name without help, freeing up time for that remaining 1% to recieve support with the software.

The home screen of the software

Students could speak into the microphone on their desktop, laptop, or mobile device, and then review their recording. Once they were happy, they just had to download the WAV file and upload it to the MS Form.

The recording review screen

Overall, I'm really proud of this new system. It should be launching in the next week or two, so fingers crossed for a seamless launch!

If you're interested in launching this for your own company, get in touch! I'm more than happy to explore modifying my system to suit your requirements.

September 2024

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