

What's going on in my life at the moment?

This is where I post about what I'm doing right now. I'm going to try and update this every month or so!
Take a look at nownownow.com for some more inspiration. Thanks to Derek Sivers for the idea!


I'm halfway through my A-Levels! Terrifying... I can't help but feel like the last 14 years of education have led up to... this?
For my aforementioned A-Levels, I'm doing:

Tech projects

I'm planning to de-google-ify (is that a verb?) a little. I'm hoping to buy a small server soon, which I'd love to run Nextcloud on - sayonara Drive & Photos! I've already switched to Firefox (yay, Firefox!) and DuckDuckGo (less yay... Google is just really good at search)

I'm continuing working on my Computer Science coursework - it's an app for my school's English department called StoryTracker. I'm really enjoying it, particularly the UI design using Tailwind. The student interface is now complete (!!), and the staff interface is 85/90% complete!! I'm so nearly there!


I'm continuing to try and keep all my plants alive. I just repotted my new Monstera Adansonii, and wrapped it around a moss pole. I'm hoping it will start attaching itself, and grow upwards a bit more, but we'll see!


Currently, I'm knitting an emerald-green beanie. Really enjoying it, although I fear I may have messed up the sizing - it may end up being for a toddler!
I'm also looking for a new project to start on this - I'm thinking maybe another blanket?


Beginning to look at university (agh, scary...).
I went to look at York, and really liked it. Of the hundreds I saw, it was by far my favourite! Still a lot to think about though!

July 2024