
About Oliver

For an update on what I'm working on at the moment, take a look at my now page!
What am I doing now? →

Hey! I'm Oliver.

I've always liked computers, but have always struggled to get excited by the maths-y side of it.
For me, computing is about creativity. It's about experimenting, creating stuff on the pixels in front of you, and bringing ideas to life.

While this website is partly for you (whoever you may be!) to look at, it's also something for me to experiment with, and document my journey along the way. There are loads of hidden pages, small projects, and ideas I'm tinkering with around here - please excuse any mess that may be lying around!

As this is an 'about' page, I need the compulsory blurb:

I'm a Year 13 Computer Science student, based in the UK.
In my free time, I like to play around creating different things. On this website, you can see a few of the projects that I've worked on.



I completed my GCSEs in 2023, with nine qualifications at grades 9-7.
I'm currently studying for my A-Levels:

As well as this, I'm very involved in my school's theatre program, and have enjoyed working on a range of different productions over the last few years.

To get in touch, please head over to my contact page.

July 2024